An examination of the rectum and lower intestine determines the condition of the intestine and reveals the presence of potential diseases such as intestinal inflammation, polyps, narrowing or intestinal cancer. The examination is conducted in the rectum with an endoscope, which is a flexible and steerable tube with the width of a finger. This examines the inner part of the rectum and the lower part of the large intestine. An endoscope also makes it possible to introduce instruments into the intestines. This is done for treatment or for sampling in order to attain a closer examination of the intestinal mucosa.
Before the examination
Prior to the examination it is important that you get a bowel cleansing with a cleaning agent. It can be obtained at a pharmacy or picked up at the clinic. You can use “Fleet”, “Klyx” or “cleenema” – 240 ml. With the cleanser, there is a detailed guide that you should follow.
1/2-2 hours prior to the examination you should use the enema. This is done by emptying the contents into the rectum. Of course, there is also a detailed guide.
The use of enema is best done at your hotel, since you should be in the immediate vicinity of a toilet.
The actual examination
After a brief consultation with the surgeon, the trousers and underwear is removed.
While the examination is taking place, the patient is on his left side, after which the instrument is inserted into the intestine. The examination lasts a total of approx. 10 minutes.
Some patients experience some discomfort during the examination. This is because it is necessary to apply air into the intestine during the examination, which may result in discomfort in the form of pressure in the stomach.
After the examination
Once the appointment is over, the surgeon will provide you with an immediate diagnosis. If there are tissue samples taken, the sample results are available after 1 week, after which you can contact the clinic.
There will not be any dietary restrictions after the examination, and you can eat and drink as usual.